Angelus basic set.
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Are you just starting out and looking for a kit that has everything you need? Have you been painting for a while, but want to stock up on new brushes and colors? The new Angelus Leather Paint Basic Kit has you covered.

This eleven-piece set contains all your painting essentials, from brushes to leather preparer to a selection of paints. Comes with five assorted brushes in a variety of styles, you'll have the right brush for almost any project.

No leather painting kit would be complete without Leather Preparer & Deglazer. It is a must for painting leather shoes, handbags, furniture or other leather items that have a finish. Leather Preparer & Deglazer removes the finish so that any paint applied to leather lasts.

This basic kit is a great place to start. When you're ready to try other products, some not included in this kit can take your work to the next level. 2-Soft is a must-have for keeping paint soft when painting on fabrics. 2-Thin is essential for thinning paints when airbrushing. Finish your project with Acrylic Finisher for a glossy top coat.

Ce kit de base est un excellent point de départ. Lorsque vous êtes prêt à essayer d'autres produits, certains non inclus dans ce kit peuvent faire passer votre travail au niveau supérieur. 2-Soft est un incontournable pour garder la peinture douce lorsque vous peignez sur des tissus. 2-Thin est essentiel pour diluer les peintures lors de la peinture à l'aérographe. Terminez votre projet avec le finisseur acrylique pour une couche de finition brillante.

46.20 $ 46.2 CAD 46.20 $

44.00 $

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Display Name: [PA-KIT1] Angelus basic set.